[Registration closed]


AI4Health uses a platform to centralize registrations.

When entering the platform please create an account with your professional email address. Please note that all future communications will be sent to this address so make sure to always have access to it. When logged into the platform, select « Submit your Abstract now » to start the registration process whether you wish to present a poster or not. 


Please note that:

You will be asked to submit basic details about yourself, your CV, and explain your motivation for attending. You will also be able to submit an abstract to present your work during a poster session (abstract submission is optional but will increase the chance of your application being selected). 

A selection committee will review all applications. On May 19th, you will receive the status of your application:

– If your application is selected, you will receive a payment link via email, with a 15-day deadline to complete the payment. If the payment is not received within this deadline, your application will be rejected in favour of another application on the waiting list.

– If your application is on the waiting list, you will be invited to wait until June 4th to know if you can register to attend the event on-site. If not, you will then be able to register to participate remotely for the first 3 days of the Summer School.

– If your application is declined, you will still be able to register to the event to attend the first three-days plenary sessions remotely. 

Please note that invoices will not be reissued afterwards and that the correct billing information must be entered upon payment.

Once the payment is processed, we will ask you to prioritise your choice between the different practical sessions. You will be able to choose two different practical sessions : one on Thursday and another on Friday. We will try our best to ensure that each participant attends at least one of its preferred (top 2) practical sessions.

Please contact us if you have any questions: ai4h2023@premc.org

In order to register, after creating your account on the registration platform, you will have to click on “submit an abstract” to proceed, even if you don’t want to send a poster. Please note that poster submission is optional.